About Us
Bill Doggett is a published American History scholar with a specialization in Race, Media Studies and Performing Arts History.
His approach to teaching is interactive: engaging students in assumptions and re-evaluation of History using original and replicas of rare artifacts in his American and Black History archive that spans 1804-1970. His goal is to engage students in critical thinking. He is renowned for his multimedia presentations as ice breakers for dialogue

Lectures Video Excerpts
PhotoGraphic Design

The video above is from Doggett’s unpublished 2015 Library of Congress Recorded Sound Division commissioned pilot on race and early recorded sound that innovatively demonstrated Doggett’s UCLA film background in creating a Vitaphone/early talkies evocative experience by marrying related sound to silent film. This excerpt announces other innovative possibilities in merging recorded sound with silent film media using sound recordings from his 2022 Grammy Museum Preservation Assistance Grant awarded race and performing arts sound archive.